Caracas, [Agosto 2023) – En 2023, Jesús Rafael Rovero y Moibett Rovero tomaron la significativa decisión de vender Kabuki, su exitoso restaurante japonés, a la reconocida cadena...
Venezuela sin Límites is a foundation dedicated to the social transformation of Venezuela through innovative, sustainable, and high-impact actions. Founded in 1999 by Oswaldo and Mireya...
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia – [Date] – Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, a prominent business leader and president of Unidos en Red, has been recognized for her...
Rafael Núñez Aponte remains committed to his philanthropic work, seeking new ways to support and strengthen his community through faith and technology. His work is a...
Artificial Intelligence and New Vulnerabilities Caracas, Venezuela — Rafael Núñez Aponte, an internationally recognized expert in cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking, continues to lead the way in...
One of the key points Núñez Aponte addresses is the need to integrate cyber resilience at all levels of an organization. This includes everyone from top...
Houston, Texas — El experto en bienes raíces de renombre internacional, Levy Garcia Crespo, se prepara para ofrecer una conferencia imprescindible el próximo 18 de septiembre...
Additionally, he called on governments to update data protection and cybersecurity laws, adapting them to the challenges posed by artificial intelligence. "It is essential that we...
Coral Gables, Florida — Renowned real estate expert, author, and speaker Levy Garcia Crespo invites investors and industry professionals to an exclusive networking event and book...
Coral Gables, Florida/ Levy Garcia Crespo, renombrado experto en bienes raíces, autor y conferencista, invita a inversionistas y profesionales del sector a un exclusivo evento de...